
New Toy, new goal: Destrution

00:44 Ana 1 Comments

There were doubts about buying it. But all it took was a strong flick of the wrist, and the toy proved to be exciting and maddening for Lia, resulting in a relentless obsession. She had to catch it, no matter how high the the toy was or how fast it was. 
The intense persecution left her breathless. Literally. After 1 hour there she was, with her tongue sticking out, laying on the ground and keen eyes on the toy (and our arm left sore). But giving up never! Doesn't matter how drained she was, the fur ball would crawl (laterally), stretched her paw and sharp nail in an attempt to grab the damn teasing toy. Ah!

Na hora de comprar suscitou dúvida. Mas bastou um forte movimento de pulso, e a fita demonstrou-se aliciante e alucinante para a Lia, originando uma obsessão implacável. Ela tinha que apanhá-lo, independentemente do quão alta a fita estivesse ou quão rápida fosse.
A perseguição intensa deixou-a sem ar. Literalmente. Ao fim de 1 hora lá estava a bichana de língua de fora, expojada no chão e com olhos atentos no brinquedo (e o nosso braço dorido). Mas desistir nunca! Mesmo de rastos lá ia a bola de pêlo rastejando (lateralmente), esticando a patinha e a unháca na tentativa de agarrar a maldita fita. Ah!

Her determination expression is to die for!
O ar de determinação da Lia é de morrer a rir!
Another toy to add to the stopper and the ball :D Cutest ball of fur ever!

Mais um brinquedo a juntar à rolha e à bola :D Bola de pêlo mais fofa não há!


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1 comment:

  1. Very pretty kitty! She certainly looks like she enjoys it!
