'Cus I'm still thinking about her. Regardless of the torrid heat that forced me to bathe three times a day and the amount of endless people, I freaking loved it. Porque ainda hoje não consigo deixar de pensar nela. Independentemente do calor tórrido que me obrigava a tomar banho 3 vezes por dia, do destilar continuo, da quantidade de gente sem fim, adorei. Read More0 Comments
Hello people! I hope this week has been good. Without much stuck up people I hope: P My 1st day of the trip to Venice started well, but as soon as we checked in I became stressed, because apparently it had been sold more tickets than the existing seats on the plane. Result, our seats were on hold, standby. An unacceptable situation that shows a lack of consideration and professionalism. I wasRead More1 Comments
Still in my early 20's. Pharmacy graduated. Endless love and passion for literature, painting, photography and everything that brings me love and joy. I love life