jardim de Mafra,

A walk in the park - Mafra

21:59 Ana 11 Comments

Hello dearest!
Even though i don't live in the city itself a simple walk in the park it's always comforting, relaxing and somehow manages to take away all my weariness, concerns and longing. It reminds me, with a primal force, that the world is much more extensive than what one sees and touches. That my reason for unhappiness and sadness pales before the aged strength of the nature.
I guess i don't just like the park, i guess i live it!ahah 
It's these park from Mafra (Jardim do Cerco) the one to blame. Built in 1718 by D.John the V, inspired by Versailles, built next to the magnificent Palace, has probably witness revolutions, love story, natural disasters, has been the home and refugee for monarchs, priests, soldiers, writers and for ordinary people like myself.

The entire time I heard a constant happy sizzle of cute little birds. They were so cute.
Hope you've enjoyed another heavy picture post.
I hope you have a wonderful week

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  1. Hi Ana!!! You took some very beautiful pictures here! I love them! The parrots are so cute! You're amazing at your photography! Thanks for dropping by my blog by the way Ana! I'm really glad you did! Just added you as a blogger friend ^___^ Will definitely drop by your blog more often!

  2. I love your photos Ana, what a lovely pictures. Love the birds and the lotus, they are so beautiful!


  3. Love your Photos!!
    The park is amazing!!

    Your new follower:)



  4. Olá Ana! Que paisagens lindas, adorei as fotos dos passarinhos!
    Obrigada pelo comentário que deixaste no meu blog, tenho a dizer-te que foi fantástico, e que recomendo que revivas urgentemente o quão bom é fazer um piquenique! Nada melhor que a Natureza e uma companhia agradável para relaxar e acabar as férias em beleza :)

    Um grande beijinho

  5. Nice pictures!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and comment!

  6. (resposta a: gostei da inspiração na gastronomia! os meus preferidos são sem dúvida o marshmallow de alfazema e o suflé de goioaba! Mas eles são todos lindos! Beijocas*)

    São mesmo lindos, os meus preferidos são os Caipiroska de Curação e o Suflé de Goiaba ! Mas confesso que não me importava de os ter a todos, ahah xD Beijinhos *

  7. Lovely blog! great pics!
    New follower dear ;)
    Kisses from La vie en Rouge

  8. (resposta a: elas estão giras sim senhora Sofia! Experimenta fazer em macramé! É bastante fácil e aposto que vais adorar o resultado;) Beijinhos*)

    Vou experimentar concertesa e confesso que já estou a ter umas ideias bem giras (: Depois mostro tudo no blog :b Beijinhos *

  9. Que lindas fotografias . ^^

    xo ,
    Ana Catalarrana
